FootSim.NET > Файлы > Pro Evolution Soccer 3 v1.30.100
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Дополнения PES 2012

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Качественные дополнения для FIFA 12, PES 2012 в нашем файловом архиве, а также полезная информация - в разделе статьи.
PES 2013 "PES Space Patch 2020 v5" 15,702,747Mb
FIFA 2005 "Legend Players" 1,223Mb
PES 2013 "Pes-ID Patch Updater" 51,311Mb
FIFA 10 "РПЛ 19/20 бета 2 (RPL 19/20 beta 2)" 20,949Mb
PES 2013 "Edit Patch 16.0 by Chako" 3,243,926Mb
FIFA 10 "Чемпионат Гибралтара" 7,663Mb
PES 2013 "Hell Patch 1.0 Season 2019/2020" 6,180,202Mb
PES 2013 "Eleven Star Patch Update 3.3" 231,642Mb
PES 2013 Eleven Star Patch Update 3.3 0Kb
Pes 2013 "PESEdit 14.0 Patch OF 23/03/2020" 23,683Mb
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Pro Evolution Soccer 3 v1.30.100

Размер файла: 9.86 Мб
Количество скачиваний: 1729
Дата добавления: 17 декабря 2003 в 00:25
Добавил: Timon
Version 1.30.100 Changes

- Fixed so that the game speed will not be slowed down on certain graphic cards.

Please change the Display option's Quality to "Low" to activate.

- Reduced the stuttering of the game.

- Fixed the problem of the stadiums textures, and names of the players on the

back of the uniform, which were displayed incorrectly.

- Fixed the problem of the game crashing by changing certain edit player's hairstyle.

- Reduced the problem of the game crashing after the display of the Konami logo

sequence in some cases.

Version 1.10.02 Changes

- Fixed so that the settings of "Setting.exe" will be reflected accordingly.

- Fixed the problem of game running too fast in the full screen mode.

- Fixed the problem of the game stopping when switching to "Window mode".

- Fixed the problem of the game stopping when only Spanish is installed, and

when trying to change the language sound.

- Fixed the portions of the game stuttering during the match.

- Fixed the problem of changing the player call name, when there is only one

language installed.

- Fixed so that the game can be played through the finals in a multi player


- Fixed the shadow effect of the player on the pitch.

- Cleared the line when the game screen fades out (happened rarely)

- Fixed the problem of the schedule becoming incorrect after the 7th week of

the 3rd season in the Master League mode.

Комментарии пользователей:
Форум игры (4 тем, 40 сообщений)
FIFA 11 "Keyboard Patch" (скачано: 78620)
PES 2013 " 2013 Patch 5.1 - Новый сезон" (скачано: 77431)
Патч FIFA 11 PС v1.0.1 (скачано: 73415)
FIFA 13 "Creation Master13 beta 0.3.1" (скачано: 59789)
FIFA 08 "Русская лига 08+обновление 2" (скачано: 55470)
FIFA 12 "Keyboard Patch [RUS]" (скачано: 48047)
FIFA 13 Keyboard Patch (скачано: 47460)
FIFA 13 "ModdingWay Mod V 2.2.0" (скачано: 47227)
PES 2008 "Russian Super Patch 2008 v1.4 (финальная версия)" (скачано: 43457)
Fifa 08 "Русские комментаторы FIFA 08" (скачано: 41926)

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